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Shopping Cart Buttons are for use if you plan to pay for your items with Credit card or Paypal.

Shopping can be veary easy by following these few instructions:

(1) Click the buttons for the items that you want to purchase. That will show you what is in your shopping cart. You can either click the "Checkout" button to complete your purchase, or "Continue shopping" button to return to my website.

(2) After you have finished shopping, press the button below, or from any page to continue on to the secure online checkout process.

(3) Make sure the correct items are in your shopping cart, then click the "Checkout" button.

(4) Enter your shipping and payment information when it is asked for, and complete payment.

If you wish to purchase specimens by personal check or money order please follow these three simple steps:

(1) Find the item numbers for the items you want to purchase (four digit number with a short name above the price - for example: 1130scepter)
(2) Either click our E-mail button or use your own e-mail program to tell us which items(s) you would like to purchase.
(3) I will email you with information on availability and complete your order.

*Personal checks and money orders are accepted at the address below.
*We accept credit card payments! (powered by Paypal - the most secure way to pay online!)
*Item(s) will ship within 5 days after payment is recieved.

Joseph George
Cascade Scepters
P.O. Box 1001
Maple Valley, WA 98038

Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!

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