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Amethyst scepter! (found July, 2008)

We find the crystals while hanging from rope!

This is the lake below the crystal area

We get twins too!

Heavy old-growth forest - a real wilderness experience!

4500 feet and climbing!

Digging a group of small pockets with Joe on left and Jeff on the Right

Joe finds a new pocket just under the soil!

Jef and Joe ascending from the Nacho Bench. (300 foot cliff below)

Jeff and Joe on the face of the crystal producing breccia

Peak across the lake from the claim

The rockslide - not a good place to break an ankle!

Mossland near the bottom of the trail

Rest break somewhere in the middle of the trail

Rockslide rest break

Ropeline leading down on a knife ridge to the Purple Cloud Bench.

Jeff & Joe working on the Upper Nacho Bench

Wrapping crystals after a good day of work

Still wrapping crystals after dark!

String of small pockets and backpacks after pulling a blueberry bush to the side

Main cliff face with 40 foot pocket entrance near the bottom of picture
More medium-size 4 foot pockets in upper left

Evening scenery

Above an inversion layer in October!

A few more pics of the environmentally friendly flying cabin! <-- Click there!

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